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Welcome to our Farmstead

A Little About Us

We’re the Fansler Family. We are first generation farmers with a dream to build a sustainable farm with a focus on quality for ourselves and expand to our community.

Our family farm is located in Janesville, Wisconsin where we are slowly expanding our infrastructure. We have 2 pastures fenced in with animals on both grazing. There is also a small garden that we build on a little more each year.

Little by little it is turning into exactly what we dreamed of.

Our laying hens are pasture raised in the largest pasture we have and in the summers we raise Cornish Cross chickens in tractors so they can receive fresh grass each day. We have a small herd of ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf goats that we raise for the milk to make our soap. We also have Kune Kune pigs we raise for meat for our family and lard for our soap. The other animals we raise on our farm is Jersey cows for milk and Katahdin sheep for meat. We feel that this is a good mix but we are still fine tuning our systems. Things get better each season.

We’re on a quest for better nutrition by bringing our favorite recipes to peak nutritional possibilities.  Our family goal is to grow our own food, preserve what we can’t use fresh. Live more organically and locally. If I can feed my animals better I will also be fed better. Those beliefs are the heart of this website. Follow our journey from seed to stomach and all the life that happens in between.

My hope is that this website will help to document all of the skills learned and steps we take to reach our dream. So our family, our friends, our customers can experience this journey with us.

We don’t know everything, but we can learn anything.


We raise an assortment of livestock from laying hens to dairy and meat animals to help you start your farm.

Garden Vegetables

Our garden is expanding every year to grow more and more produce with a goal to be able to support our family and expand to our community.

Pastured Poultry

We raise pastured chicken and turkey annually in chicken tractors that are moved daily across the farm.

Know Your Farmer

Know Your Food

Premium Quality

We treat our produce and livestock with care.

Alway Fresh

Chickens are frozen within 24 hours of processing to maximize freshness.


Our goal is to maximize the quality of life our livestock experiences up until their final day on our farm.

Farm to Table

We raise our poultry as day old chicks to know 100% how they were raised from start to finish.

Big Flavor

“It tastes like chicken” will lose meaning once you compare farm fresh chicken to the lackluster tasteless chicken from the store.

On Site Processing

We process our chickens here reducing the food miles our food travels.

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