Go Big or Go Home
Actually We’re doing both

Over the last month we have been crossing things off of the Japan bucket list and spending time with visiting family. We took family pictures in kimono in Kamakura, and went to Tokyo to the Skytree mall. We also went to Harajuku and spent the day (spoiler alert, very over rated). It’s hard to spend time doing things and still have time to write about doing things. It may come as a shock but writing a post is really time consuming sometimes.
Since our chapter here in Japan is coming to a close and we are starting our next chapter with a bang. How so? We are breaking all the rules. All the ways people tell you NOT to do things…well that’s exactly how we’re doing them.

We have heard so many times not to buy a house sight unseen and don’t buy an old house they’re riddled with problems. So. Many. Times. We’re rebels because that’s exactly what we did. Granted our circumstances made that an easier decision than it should have been I’m sure but it was the decision we made none the less.
If you’ve been following for any amount of time you should be aware that we are moving back from Japan. In fact we are in the SINGLE DIGITS of days left in the country. We made the decision to secure housing before we got back to the states so we weren’t scrambling in a homeless situation.
Technically we didn’t achieve that because our official closing date is a week after we get back but that gives me a few days to see friends and family before the cross country trek. Plus being with friends and family means we have a place to stay. *thanks guys* Then it will be oh so lovely hotel/motels and then HELLO NEW HOUSE. Well…new is not very accurate at all but more on that in a minute.

The best part about this whole thing is that The Fansler Farmstead is about to GET REAL. Really real. Because we bought a farmhouse on land and we are going to do all the things. All of them. What ever thing your thinking of we are going to do that too. I am so excited for chickens. I geek out when I talk about them. Eggs are life and with chickens being a great starter animal hello quiche!
Over time we will be able to get the livestock that we have been talking about for years. This is happening so much sooner than I ever thought possible for us. This was the retirement dream which for the hubs is still a few years away but we’re getting a head start. Seriously we thought we wouldn’t even be close to this possibility for like 6 more years and now we have plans for the next 6 months. *mind blown*

We will be narrowing down the 6 month plan after moving in of what is going to be prioritized to now versus later. Once we have a plan I will post about it. Not just because inquiring minds will want to know, but also for accountability. I work better and harder when I’m held accountable so this will be a good thing.
So some things about this place that are bringing out the nerves… its 107 years old. Like I said, calling it new is not very accurate. New to us I guess would be the most appropriate. There are a lot of unknowns and a lot of potentials for disaster but we are rolling the dice on this. We’re hoping to roll a 20, not a 1 (comment if you get that reference). We’ve done a ton of inspections to try to minimize the surprises but those can only go so far.

Actual problems and potential problems are very different. We will be checking out all the stuff that could be something before it is. Anything we find that is a problem we can take care of the right way too which helps give peace of mind.
The only plan at the moment is paint. It needs it, I need it. Blank slate here we come. We will bring you along on this adventure that I am so excited about. I want to have before and after pictures to document the changes. It has been a big bummer for me that some of the other places we’ve lived hasn’t had them. And I am a sucker for a good before and after story.

Once we have settled we will be coming up with a well thought out plan for what we what to get done by the end of the year and what will be a next year goal. Hoping to have a real plan by August. Rome wasn’t built in a day and this farmstead won’t be built in one either. Can’t wait to bring you all along!