Friendly Warnings…
I feel compelled to start by saying I don’t have a farmstead or a farm. But that is the goal. The 10 year plan as they call it. I have a general idea of what I want to achieve within that time frame. Just a general idea. No organization. No lists. Nothing written down. Just an idea and too much time on pinterest. The plan, or goal, or dream, is to log the steps that I am taking and the progress I am making. Maybe the nurse in me is manifesting since it’s quite well known that “if it wasn’t documented, it wasn’t done”. So this would be a good way to chart all the happenings. A lot of my goals are to learn new skills, travel more, complete some craft projects that have been dragging on for way too long. But it would be beneficial to actually take the time to list it all and organize an achievable plan to accomplish it all. Which ideally would come to fruition after the new year. My new years resolution can be to blog consistently. Weekly? Between now and the new year I need to determine what a blog means to me, where I hope this blog will go, and how to get it there, how I want to communicate and how I want the site laid out. Not an easy task for someone with this level of indecisiveness. All the blogs I’ve read and vlogs I’ve watched all say the same basic principals when it comes to how to start a blog, which is, “just start”. So here I am world. Not knowing what to say or how to say it but giving it a shot and trying anyways. I am a big believer that it will all work out in the end.